
Equality – what a wonderful word to start the year with! “My resolution for 2015 is that all citizens of Ireland will be equal” You can hear the politicians sing it out as they garner the votes for whatever cause they attach the word to.

Who in their right mind would not want to vote for equality? Was it not one of the three watchwords the French fought for and enshrined in their motto “Liberty Equality Fraternity”?

The inspiration for it is said to have emerged from the American Revolution which in turn can be traced back to the English Bill of Rights of 1689.

Here in Ireland we live in a society which could never be accused of being equal! However that does not prevent our politicians from hijacking the word and applying it to the coming referendum on same-sex marriage. The argument is that the same-sex union is the equivalent of heterosexual marriage!

Now it is clear that some things are equal. I am blessed with two legs and it could be truthfully said that I have an equal number of legs to everyone else. I am also blessed with a wife and it could again be said truthfully that I am the same as every other married man. What could not be said truthfully is that I am the same as two men or two women living together in a civil union.

However “civil union” the term which the GLBT lobby recently gained is not the term which they wish to attach to their arrangement. They want it to be called “marriage” to be like everyone else. The trouble is that they are not like everyone else. They are not equal they are different.

It was the Mad Hatter in Alice in wonderland who said, “Words mean what I want them to mean, no more or no less. The point is, who is the master”?

It took Gerry Adams to describe their use of the word ‘equality’ as a ‘Trojan Horse’ to allow the GLBT entry to the bulwark of the time honoured institution of marriage. ‘Equality’ has become a device to manipulate people into thinking that two unions, that can never be equal, are equal!

The Bible places a high value on words. Indeed it is called the Word of God. It also says that God’s word is truth.

We are to use words truthfully as there is the principle of accountability we will have to contend with. Matthew records Jesus saying “I tell you, on the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned” Chapter 12 verses 36/7.

The Good News of the Gospel is that Jesus has borne the condemnation of every repentant sinner who turns from his sin and trusts in Jesus.

Of those who trust in Him St Paul was able to write “There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” Romans Chapter 8 verse 1.

It is fraudulent to use words inaccurately to manipulate people. But the Gospel gives hope to those who confess their sin, turn from it and embrace the truth as it is in Christ Jesus.