Donald’s Delight

There can be no doubt that the latest information on Hillary Clinton’s emails have filled her opponent in the US
Presidential race with delight. When our plane took off from Philadelphia this week Donald Trump was trailing
in the polls but by the time we landed in Dublin things looked a lot brighter for him.
What happened to bring about the change? The Federal Bureau of Investigation decided to open an investigation
into Mr Weiner, the husband of Hillary’s aide who, it is alleged, had been involved in correspondence of a sexual
nature with a 15 year old girl. Weiner’s computer, which the FBI seized, showed that Hillary had been using it for
her ‘classified’ emails.
As a former Secretary of State, Hillary would have been expected to use only the encrypted computers of the State
department when dealing with ‘classified’ material. Only 3 months ago the FBI reprimanded Hillary for a similar
offence which had been brought to light by ‘Wikileaks’ who released copies of emails produced on her home computer.
The FBI called her actions “extremely careless” which was mild compared to the words Donald Trump used to describe
her actions in his campaign speeches!
However all this may not be enough to erode the lead the polls show in Hillary’s favour so the focus over the
remaining days (election is 8th Nov.) is on the Senate where 34 seats (total is 100) are up for re-election.
There the Democrats (Hillary’s party) hope to gain 4 more seats which would give them a majority. It is thought
that Congress with its majority of 30 seats in favour of the Republicans (435 total) would be beyond the Democrat’s
The only election mentioned in the Bible (a Book which favours no one type of political party) is that of the person
elected to salvation. It makes it clear that it is God who does the electing. It is His choice. It does not
depend on us (Romans chapter 9 verses 10-12). Our task is to make sure that we are in that number and the passage in
2 Peter Chapter 1 verses 3-11 is helpful.
The result of the US election pales in significance to our own election. It is not for 4 years but for eternity.