Late, Late Toy Show

There was a decidedly fishy flavour to this year’s TV Toy Show. Mine host Ryan Tubridy introduced the event in a red lobster costume accompanied by two kid squids! They were surrounded by singing sharks who jumped in and out of the boats ‘floating’ on the stage.
The Late Late Show has had a major influence in Irish broadcasting since it commenced one Friday in 1962 and has continued without a break since then. Audience ratings have been consistent around the half million mark but for the annual Toy Show they have shot up to 1.57 million viewers.
As in former years the kids not only stole the show but they are the show! They are drawn from families spread throughout the country and from every walk of life. This year there has been much concern over homelessness and kids from a homeless family had a star part on the show.
Kyle Carty (7) replete in a suit was introduced to us as a young farmer. He had a model farm on stage which he showed Ryan around focussing on the tractors. Kyle was then led to a full size model Frisian Dairy Cow and entered into a milking competition with Ryan which he won by having more milk in his bucket!
Ryan is good at introducing surprise items. After demonstrating a Hurling practice net with a Galway hurling fan, Daniel Brogan age 9, he delighted the lad by producing the Galway team captain and four team members. In addition to gifts they displayed the Sam Maguire cup which Daniel held above his head in true GAA style.
After numerous musical items with some great soloists, who we may expect to have a good singing future, we had the dancers. They were excellent and their costumes indicated the enormous amount of work that makes the Toy Show the success that it is.
Those helping Ryan by ‘testing’ the toys were around ages 4 to 7. The Burke brother and sister explained how their Dad would not be around for Christmas as he was in the Army and taught troops out in Mali. They said how much they missed him. Ryan took them to a large box. He tore off the paper covering to reveal the kid’s father. There was a marvellous spontaneous moment of hugs of sheer delight which turned to pure joy when their Mother and younger sister joined them on stage. TV has seldom shown family love and unity in a better light.
It’s moments like that which enable you to forget the commercialism of the advertisers, the generation of greed in the slogan ‘one for everyone in the audience’ and the ridiculously simple raffle question which produced a winning family from Mayo. The prize was a week’s stay in a four-star hotel in New York for the whole family, all expenses paid and $20,000 spending money.
Jesus said, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions” (St Luke Chapter 12 verse 15).
Of course the covetousness, which is so rampant today, is idolatry (Colossians Chapter 3 verse 5). And idols can never satisfy. What does satisfy is a solid relationship through Christ with the living God then you will have “godliness with contentment which is great gain” (1 Titus Chapter 6 verses 6 to 10).