Wise Words

Recently at the Golden Globe’s Awards the audience of media stars were treated to a rousing address by one of the recipients. It came from Oprah Winfrey. The content of her 9-minute speech was perfectly in tune with the mood of the gathering which was female solidarity in the face of powerful male exploitation.
It was a rallying cry and all the more surprising because of who uttered it! The evening had been full of the usual sentimental jargon and seemed to be otherwise unremarkable except for the black dresses. These were being worn to show sympathy for women who had been sexually harassed, many having joined the ranks of the “me too”.
The words Oprah delivered were carefully chosen and were of the “never again” variety. Now was the time for women to take control. Men would not get away with such conduct again. Her considerable oratory powers came into play and had the effect of one well-known star recommending her as the next President!
Well-chosen words were again in evidence at the conclusion of the trial in the US of the gymnastic trainer, Dr Larry Nasser. His reign over young female gymnasts had gone on for years. His standing in the sport was so high as to make his position untouchable. With his medical background he cast an aura of authenticity over the various procedures he carried out on these athletes. He even had the support of parents to the degree that he could carry out his perversions on their daughters in front of them.
After many years of paedophilia he was tried recently and sentenced to 137 years in prison!
The victim impact statements matched the enormity of the offence. The measured delivery of the speech made by Rachel Denhollander gave great gravitas to her words. She is a Christian girl and incorporated the Gospel into her impact statement in a very clear manner.
Jesus had been saying some hard things and the crowds had faded away. He then put it to the disciples “will you too leave me?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life (St John Chapter 6 verse 68).
In a week when Bishop Dolan outlined the possible trajectory stemming from ‘abortion on demand’ to the killing of the disabled and then the elderly, in other words a culture of death, we need to be reminded of a better way.
The way of sacrificial love, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him (Jesus) shall not perish but have eternal life. Wise words and wise are those who put their faith in Jesus!