We’ll meet again!

British streets echoed to the sound of a Second World War favourite song this week, as our neighbours commemorated VE (Victory in Europe) day – the 8th May 1945. ‘We’ll meet again (don’t know where, don’t know when)’ was first sung by the ‘Forces Favourite’, Vera Lynn, during the dark days of the war, and was referenced by the British Monarch in her address to the nation at the height of the Coronavirus pandemic some weeks ago.

I wrote about separation a couple of weeks ago in this blog and I reminded you that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. What an encouragement! I was reminded of the issue of separation again when I was looking through the list of folks who attend Grace week by week. Nearly two-thirds of you are not from Ireland. It’s hard when you are not in your own country, you are separated from your family and there is not much prospect of an early reunion – especially at this time when you may be concerned about their health and well-being. We pray for you. Please get in touch if we can help you in any way. Use the details on the Contact Us page.

We have been encouraged at the number of you who are taking part in weekly fellowship activities – whether it is house groups, young adults, women, older men or the Thursday prayer time. Get involved if you are able to – you will find it a great encouragement!

I suppose none of us wants us to be in the place we find ourselves right now: It’s not very comfortable and we should pray that the Lord will help those who are in authority over us to lead and guide us well and bring us out in God’s time. But I want to encourage you not to wait until your circumstances change to praise God and give thanks to Him. Paul says this:

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. (1 Thes 5 vv 16-18)

Right now, we can say to God: “I’m going to praise you, I’m going to rejoice in you and I’m going to give thanks to you right where I am!” That’s the will of God.

We’ll meet again as a church in Pearse Street and we’ll meet with our loved ones – though we don’t know where and we don’t know when. But, you know, even when we do, there will still be a longing in our heart for something more. And when you dig down deep, what it is it? It’s a longing for Heaven. The ultimate home-coming that awaits every believer in Christ. What a wonderful day that will be. But don’t wait for that day to praise and give thanks. Do it now, right where you are – in fact in all circumstances – for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

God bless you!

Jon Blackwell

For the Elders