Darkness into Light

Darkness into Light                 Word on the Week                       9th May 2020.

This is the morning when those wishing to empathise with the suicide prevention work of Pieta House get out of bed at sunrise and go on a fundraising walk.   The sun rises early and the recommended time of 4.15 am may not appeal to everyone!    However, there is the added bonus for those who venture out of hearing the birds singing in their dawn chorus.

The walk was started in 2009 by psychologist Joan Freeman, as a fundraiser for suicide prevention and counselling.   At the first event 400 attended while in 2019 the event was attended by an estimated 150,000.    It has been replicated in five continents.  Dr Freeman has pioneered a similar work in New York called Solace House.   The ministering to self-harm and potential suicides is of increasing value.

Secular society has presided over a gradual reduction of human worth.   Having denied the existence of creator God humans now have the status of intelligent animals.   These ‘animals’ are misusing the planet to such an extent that we are led to believe that imminent destruction will come about.    Indeed, with global warming predicting floods and the current pandemic making inroads into elderly people the future looks bleak.                                                                                                                                        Once upon a time people looked to families for support.   Now our problems are not seen to be so much relational but physical and can be addressed by rewiring human instincts, forgoing procreation and tampering with gender.    In addition, the abortive worldview would encourage pregnant women to make war on their own bodies and that of the children they are carrying.

In this present darkness many are tempted to see themselves as part of the problem and turn against their own bodies in seeking a solution.                                                             When Jesus healed the man born blind he described himself as the light of the world (St John Chapter 9 verse 5).   The man was not only given sight but could see error!                                                                                            From the beginning the Bible has made a distinction between humans made in the image of God and animals (Genesis Chapter 5 verses 1 to 2).   Jesus shed light on human worth (St Matthew Chapter 6 verse 26 and Chapter 10 verses 29 to 31).   He also made the promise to those who follow him that they would never walk in darkness but have the light of life (Chapter 8 verse 12).

Isaiah points to a future we can look forward to where peace and light replace darkness (Chapter 60 verses 18 – 19).                                No longer will violence be heard in your land,
    nor ruin or destruction within your borders,
but you will call your walls Salvation
    and your gates Praise.
The sun will no more be your light by day,
    nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you,                                                                                              
for the Lord will be your everlasting light,
    and your God will be your glory.