After many months of drought (we had lambs this year that never got wet) the rain came yesterday right on cue for the Oxygen Music Festival. There must be something about the name O2 which attracts the rain! Its not just rain but real Irish rain – the wetting, fine droplet variety that penetrates the best of raingear in a matter of minutes.

The sound blasters got going yesterday at Punchestown some 3 miles away and as I write the drums are still pounding away impervious to the weather. Of course the only dry people there are the performers but even they must find their guitars slippery in the humid conditions.

An addition to the cacophony this year has been the invasive South African horn – the vuvuzela! The one note horn makes up for its lack of versatility by being easy to play!

Designer wellies are all the rage. About the only one not wearing them was the hip hop superstar Jay Z. The Brooklyn man did not disappoint with a performance that featured hits Run This Town, 99 Problems and Encore.

The tent town created on the racecourse gave some brightness to the scene. The tents could be embellished by spray painting artists from the Art College who, for a reasonable fee, could add their designs to the waterproofing of the fabric!

It brings to mind the great Festival of Tabernacles observed by Israel to commemorate their 40 year journey through the wilderness from Egypt to the Promised Land. The building of Tabernacles or Booths reminded the Jewish people of their deliverance from slavery in Egypt. It was also a thanksgiving for the harvest with numerous sacrifices being offered over the 7 days of the celebration.

On the 7th day the ritual of pouring a pitcher of water seven times onto the ground took place. This libation was prophet and messianic in its hope. It looked towards the outpouring of the Holy Spirit not only upon Israel but also on believers under the reign of Messiah, Jesus. Jesus now directs the ritual to Himself as its fulfillment.

The Bible records, on the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water”. (St John Ch 7 V 37/38).

No longer do we build Booths (unless we are at a wet Oxygen Festival) as the prophecy has been fulfilled in Jesus who now offers us this living water.

Come in faith to the living Jesus today.