Music Will Calm You

Music Will Calm You                 Word on the Week                   8th June 2024.

One of the earliest gramophone records that came into my collection was that of Kathleen Ferrier singing with her superb contralto voice, “Art thou troubled? Music will calm you”.

It was written by George Frideric Handel who, by all accounts, had good reason to prove the truth of the lyrics!

Scripture gives us more evidence of this fact.    When a harmful spirit from God came upon King Saul, David, who was at this time was Saul’s servant, would play music on his lyre.   This refreshed Saul and the harmful spirit left him (1 Samuel 16 verse 23).

In Psalm 130 we have an example of Keith Getty and Stuart Townend’s, two of the most talented modern hymn writers, making the Psalmist sing like a Christian!    The middle verses are rendered; –

So put your hope in God alone
Take courage in His power to save
Completely and forever won
By Christ, emerging from the grave

I will wait for You, I will wait for You
On Your Word, I will rely
I will wait for You, surely wait for You
‘Til my soul is satisfied.

Singing has always marked out the Christian.   From the early days of evangelism when Paul and Silas were beaten for healing a disturbed girl in Jesus name and thrown into prison at Philippi they were praying and singing hymns to God at midnight (Acts 16 verses 16 to 25).

In the more settled situation of the church Paul writes both to Ephesus and Colossi commending the singing of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual songs and ‘making melody to the Lord with your heart’ (Ephesians 5 verses 19 to 20).

There has always been a stream of Christian music through the centuries becoming particularly rich during times of revival.   In recent years some very fine musicians have enhanced our worship with their songs. The last verse; –

I will wait for You, I will wait for You
Through the storm and through the night
I will wait for You, surely wait for You
For Your love is my delight.

Waiting on the Lord is never in vain.