Smartphone Ban


Smartphone Ban Word on the Week 31st August 2024.
Smart phones for dumb people! A feeling I share with my elderly companions as we enlist the aid of the youngsters in the family to get us back on track! I stare in awe at the speed of the thumb-work as a solution is found.
The use of the thumb has always been a distinguishing feature in humans giving them an advantage over animals. Do any evolutionists reading this see the future progression of their theory in the mobility of the thumb?
More likely will be the development of the personal Bot. After all, why go to the bother of using a keyboard when you can speak your requests to your own Robot? Of course it would have to have the appropriate Artificial Intelligence to suit your needs programmed into its chip but with such a tool in your breast pocket you could talk your way through the day!
Such a device, if it came onto the market, would give schools even more headaches. At present they grapple with ways to ban the use of the smartphone in class. One possible solution, the provision of desktop laptops takes away the personal aspect and will not be popular with the pupil whose cyberspace can be examined by the teacher!
However, we adults have much to be grateful for in this era of digital communication. There is the taking and sending of photographs. It makes Kuala Lumpur seem local and Philadelphia just down the road! The smartphone camera has developed superbly bringing our friends, relatives, grandchildren and great grandchildren right into our kitchen!
For the nature lover there is an ‘App’ for just about anything. The ones in common use assist in the recognition of plants and birds. Another claims to be a ‘Rock Identifier’ giving you the stones ID!
For those who use the Bible daily there is the convenience of the New International Version at your fingertips. If topical Biblical comment is required John Piper’s ‘Desiring God’ website is recommended.
For those who like to be spoon-fed (like myself) there is ‘The Gospel Coalition’. Their daily devotional bible commentary not only reference the scriptures but read them to you!
Of course, all this would be in vain without first coming as a sinner to Christ for forgiveness and acceptance into the family of the redeemed. Jesus said, “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life (John 5 verses 39/40).
Then use your smartphone joyfully!