A Moving Experience

“You have stayed long enough at this place” was the order the Lord gave to Moses after 40 years in the wilderness (Deuteronomy Chapter 1 verse 6). Something similar appears to be happening to our Fellowship after over 180 years in Brunswick Hall – to give the old premises its original name. We too could soon be on the move!
This week saw the completion of much of the detailed agreements with a tentative date for signing put at next Wednesday. Of course the Lord’s timing may not be the same as ours but we believe the date for moving is not far off.
The temporary premises which we plan to occupy is owned by the developer and is close by. It goes by the name “Fireworks” (it was a former nightclub) and is currently undergoing a conversion to meet the demands of its new role.
We do not anticipate our time there to be as long as 40 years although in may at times feel like that! The demolition, excavation (we will have a small basement) and site clearance will make way for the new build which will cover the entire site. In due course Nos 28a and 29 Pearse Street will rise from the dust albeit with five floors of hotel bedrooms perched on top of the new hall! These will link into the hotel next door (whose holding company is the developer) the new bedrooms being accessed entirely from the hotel.
Moses was to prepare the people to enter the land but it fell to Joshua to carry it through, “As I was with Moses so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Joshua Chapter 1 verse 5). Their goal was to bring blessing to the nations.
Now in a very real sense the nations have come to Grace. We are a multi race church. Our orders come through Jesus and are strikingly similar. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (St Matthew Chapter 28 verses 19/20).
God enabling this we will do from whatever premises the Lord provides realising that it is the community of people at Grace that, collectively as well as individually, are his ambassadors as we submit our lives to the Lordship of Jesus in our new surroundings.