All Things New


All Things New Word on the Week 4th January 2025.
Cartoonists like to depict the New Year as a new baby with the swaddling clothes flying in all directions. I think this is to highlight the energy and vitality of the youngster. Perhaps we could imbibe a bit of that vigour and bring it into the New Year with us!
Artists are fond of portraying Jesus as the infant in Mary’s arms with her garments wrapped around him. There are usually adults present in the picture. They take on a humble posture and direct their gaze towards the child in arms.
When Jesus became known, great were the expectations of what he might do. On the social side there would be feeding and healing. On the political side there would be ridding the land of the Romans. And the Temple needed to be brought up to Solomon’s standard!
What Jesus gave them a new Commandment. John 13 verses 34/35 announces the covenant of love. This was the criterion his disciples were to be known for. To emulate Jesus’ love for one another. It was the eleventh commandment, as some call it, and it was to be obeyed.
This teaching was popular with the people but disliked by the Rulers of the Synagogue. The latter were distraught. They were afraid that Jesus popularity with the people might lead the Romans to dispense with their religion and ‘take away both our Temple and Nation’ (John 11 verses 47 to 48).
So they decided to do away with Jesus! (John 11 verses 49 to 53).
In their blindness they missed the fact that Jesus himself is the new Temple. He is the way we can access God. Effective prayer is through Him. He has replaced the Temple (John 2 Verses 19 to 21). He is also a continuation of Israel (Romans 11 verse 25 to 26).
So instead of looking for a new Temple in the State of Israel, we meet with God through His Son, the Lord Jesus; enjoy His presence in each of us by His Spirit; and look to the reality of Christ’s reign to transform our lives through 2025 and forever.
Do this and it will ensure that you have a Happy New Year.