All posts by George Morrison

Royal Vows

Royal Vows                      Word on the Week                     6th May 2023.

A vow or oath is an instrument to put the one who makes it under stronger constraints to keep it than that person would have in its absence.    It emphasises the importance of following through with the task to its completion.

It is used in Law Courts to underline the importance of the spoken words.   These should be true and fulsome in their description of the matter in hand.

In an age where there is a propensity to lie the impact of the vow is weakened by the poverty of belief in the Bible over which the vow is made.   The ninth Commandment could be translated ‘do not lie’ (Exodus 20 verse 16).  Where no belief exists the Courts are prepared to accept an affirmation to speak the truth taking the wording from St Matthew 5 verses 33 to 37.

Most of us would be familiar with Marriage vows.   These are made before God and solemnly declare lifelong love and faithfulness to one another.   The vow usually contains the line to forsaking all others and to make one’s allegiance to each other alone.   There is also the promise to care for any children.  This is a Marriage covenant and is “till death do us part” i.e. for life.

This gives a glorious certainty to the union in which love can grow and prosper as the years go by.    Sadly, today the more common option is the marriage contract.   In this case vows are taken to abide by the contract so long as it fulfils my desire.   This inevitably permits a selfish element to be introduced and the sense of permanency is lost.

In becoming King of England this Saturday Charles will be required to take the monarch’s vows.    He is at a disadvantage as he does not have his Mother’s strong Christian faith.    Despite this he is expected to be a “defender of the faith”.   He has stated he wants the word faith to be in the plural to encompass all the faiths in his kingdom.  This is not possible as they are mutually exclusive.

Charles will automatically become supreme governor of the Church of England upon his coronation.   This he accepts on oath.   The copy of the Bible which the Presbyterian Minister gave him came with this citation: –        To keep you ever mindful of the Law and Gospel of God as the rule for the whole life and government of Christian Princes, receive this Book the most valuable thing that this world has to offer: –

Here is wisdom: –

This is the royal Law: – 

These are the lively oracles of God.

May the King and may we find it to be so, by God’s grace, in our lives.

The Lord Reigns

The Lord Reigns                    Word on the Week                         29th April 2023.

We live in a world inhabited by Lilliputians!   Little people who live to make a mess of God’s world and create a chaotic replica of their own.  Today let us affirm the great declaration first made by Moses in Miriam’s song, “The Lord shall reign for ever and ever” (Exodus 15 verse 18).

At present he reigns unseen to the human eye but is very present to the eye of faith.  His purposes to redeem a people for himself will be accomplished in his time and by his way.     And the way is through Jesus who himself is the way (John 14 Verse 6).   Then the end shall come (1 Corinthians 15 verse 24).

Earthly Kings were never God’s intention in fact he warns against the monarchy foreseeing its abuses (1 Samuel 8 verses 5 to 9).   Never-the-less we are asked to pray for Kings and those in Authority (1 Timothy 2 verse 1).

Perhaps the most comprehensive of all Biblical prayers is that of Solomon on the occasion of his coronation (1 Kings 8 verses 20 to 61).   It was uttered in the newly consecrated temple with the ark of the Lord’s covenant in its Holy Place in the inner sanctuary.  

As the priests withdrew from the Holy Place they could not perform their service as the cloud of the Lord’s glory filled the temple (1 Kings 8 verses 6 to 11).  A pale reflection of this scene will be enacted in Westminster Abbey this coming Saturday when Charles 111 will be crowned king in place of his late mother Queen Elizabeth.

The monarchy reaches back to the legendary King Arthur of the fifth or sixth centuries.   The tradition itself goes back to the time of Solomon and Zadok the priest. It has been drawn upon by G F Handel in his coronation anthem “God save the King”.   It was first played at the coronation of the German ruler from Hanover who became King George11 of Great Britain in 1727.

As an extra layer of ‘spiritual authority’ to the proceedings Charles will be anointed with ‘holy oil’.   This oil has been consecrated at a ceremony in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.   The act of anointing Charles will be conducted by Archbishop Welby in private before the crowning takes place.

It is easy to get carried away by the pomp and pageantry of the occasion.   One could even forget that, wonderful though the ceremonies are, over and above it all it is the Lord who reigns.  

What we do on earth is but a shadow of that great multitude of the little people who in Christ have overcome the evil of this world and gather at the throne of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.   They are his chosen and faithful followers from every tongue and tribe and nation (Revelation 17 verse 14 and 7 verse 9).

Let us wish Charles as fruitful a reign as his Mother had and sing with a depth of meaning the line “God save the King”.

Abortion Law Review

Abortion Law Review            Word on the Week                         22nd April 2023.

It came as a bit of a jolt to learn that on average 23 Irish babies are aborted every week.   That is a lot of funerals except that they are mostly dispensed with.    The child may not even get a name in this life although he or she may well have a place of honour in the next (St Matthew 19 verse 14).

What is our Minister of Health, Stephen Donnelly, doing to bring this figure down?   What assistance will he offer to the stressed Mother to retain her child?   Will he unveil a range of measures to assist the Mother to do her job – that is to give birth and support the child?

It seems like he has other ideas.   Armed with the promised 3-year review; a production which seems to be highly biased towards the ‘Pro Choice’ Movement.   He plans to bring it before cabinet this coming week.  

A major change suggested in the review is the removal of the 3-day reflection period before getting access to abortion medication.  This was to enable the Mother to weigh up her options without being under time pressure.  Back in the campaigning days it seemed more humane enabling waverers to vote for the introduction of abortion 3 years ago.  It’s to Taoiseach Leo Varadkar’s credit that he does not want this removed in the present review.

On the side of the Medics there are a number who have conscientious objections.   This is not surprising as they are in the business of preserving life not to take it.   Apparently a team from TCD is researching this matter!

There is money in abortion of course and it is no doubt that is why the pro-choice have no shortage of funding.   In fact, with euthanasia down the road the death business has never looked better!    We don’t need to look to the US to see how things could go.   The Netherlands and Belgium are examples of both abortion and euthanasia business on our doorstep.

In an attempt to alert Government to the strength of ‘Pro-Life’ feeling that exists, please plan to attend the Rally on Monday 1st May at 2.00 pm.  It is on the May Bank Holiday (a week on Monday) marching from St Stephen’s Green to Leinster House.

Jesus came across many cases of people who would have been aborted in today’s climate because of their physical challenges.   Take the case of the paraplegic.   His remedy was not extermination but healing (St Luke 5 Verse 24).   In this Jesus showed he was – the Messiah, and gave a foretaste of forgiveness and the life to come.

Life is precious.   The vulnerable need our care.


Potus                      Word on the Week          15th April 2023.

It’s not every week that we learn a new word but then it’s not every week the President Of The United States spends four days in Ireland!   It takes a moment or two for the penny to drop and then someone mentions the word ‘acronym’ and the problem is solved!

It’s probably the most expensive Irish interlude ever.   The ‘Presidents Men’ were legion and their transport awesome.   They paid the not inconsiderable policing bill and took over the Conrad Hilton Hotel. What’s more they probably filled it!

The reason for the visit was to celebrate 25 years of peace following the signing of the Good Friday Agreement.   Ongoing difficulties made the celebration less wholehearted but Joe Biden gladly made use of the space afforded to extol the merits of having Irish ancestry!

In the numerous speeches that punctuated the visit we got many quotations from Mother Biden and her predecessors.   These focussed around the shared values we have with the US.   Those values were named as being Hope in the heart, Dignity or Respect for Immigrants and Manual Workers, and Possibilities which were defined as having Courage in Faith.

Biden’s faith was evident in his speeches and exhortations but never more evident than when he learned the Priest who administered the last rites to his son was in the area.   “I must meet him” was his immediate response and the subsequent meeting brought him comfort.   He called the incident a sign.  

The proclamation of his faith in God, his upholding of family values, his pride in his ancestry, his belief in the hereafter are all delightfully Biblical and counter-cultural in today’s world.  You have to be a cynical journalist to read into them some sort of vote collecting exercise.   The man was enjoying himself doing things he considered to be important in the land of his forebears. In a broken world the Potus is not perfect.  The surprise is that he is not what we have come to expect from leaders – power hungry and bent on control.   Here is part of a Prayer of Moses the Man of God.  Psalm 90.

Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations.

Before the mountains were brought forth,

or ever you had formed the earth and the world,

from everlasting to everlasting you are God. 

You return man to dust

and say, “Return, O children of man!”

For a thousand years in your sight

are but as yesterday when it is past,

or as a watch in the night.

You sweep them away as with a flood; they are like a dream,

like grass that is renewed in the morning: 

in the morning it flourishes and is renewed;

in the evening it fades and withers.

… So teach us to number our days

that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Christ Crucified and Risen

Christ Crucified and Risen        Word on the Week                    8th April 2023.

Easter confronts us with a view of life that has at its centre a dead man’s cross and a living man’s empty tomb.  The death Jesus died was for our sins.   The life He now lives He lives to God (Romans 6 verse10).

That view of life becomes personal when, by God’s grace, we can say ‘He died for me’ and mean it.   The personal pronouns ‘for me’ are dynamite!  Me the sinner, Christ the Saviour and nothing in between.

The Apostle Paul puts it more elegantly, ‘I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me’ (Galatians 2 verse 20b).

What is the nature of this love?    The Apostle answers for us.   It is not a love that is mean but generous.   Writing to the church at Corinth Paul proclaims that this love is for all believers.   For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again (1 Corinthians 5:14 – 15).

Something of the awesomeness of this love is captured in Bryn and Sally Haworth’s hymn: – What kind of love is this that gave itself for me? I am the guilty one, yet I go free. What kind of love is this, a love I’ve never known; I didn’t even know his name – what kind of love is this?

What kind of man is this, that died in agony? He who had done no wrong was crucified for me. What kind of man is this, who laid aside his throne that I may know the love of God – what kind of man is this?

By grace I have been saved; it is the gift of God. He destined me to be his own such is his love. No eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, nor has the human heart conceived what kind of love is this?

But there is more.  ‘Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.  For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man.   For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive’ (1 Corinthians 15 verses 20 – 22).

The damage caused by the fall restored and the saving work of Christ vindicated by “living man’s empty tomb”.   He is alive forevermore.   

The Turn of the Tide

The Turn of the Tide                  Word on the Week               1st April 2023.

The tide turns sooner or later, it always happens.    There is a rhythm to it which is entirely predictable.   It is governed by the moon. The full moon exercises the strongest gravitational pull on the water.   This in turn produces the highest tides of the monthly cycle.

My teenage years were spent watching the tide and the effect it had on the activities in the Aberdeenshire village of Collieston.   The harbour was tidal meaning there was no water in it at low tide.   Boats were grounded and you were not going anywhere unless you had had the forethought to moor the boat near the point of the pier where there was always water.

High tides became progressively lower until they reached their lowest point mid-way between when the moon stopped waxing (increasing) and started to wane (decrease) The build-up to the next full moon began and the cycle continued.  The times of the tides and the height of high water were published in the daily paper but we soon learned to work them out for ourselves.

The equinoxes produced the highest rise and fall in water level.   At low tide the sea withdrew revealing rocks which were normally submerged.  This was the time to go fishing for Partans (edible crab).    They were to be found in small crevices in the rocks and extracted with a wire hook and nimble fingers. Very seldom a lobster would be stranded by the exceptionally low tide but they were usually found to be ‘berried’ i.e. pregnant and had to be returned to the sea.  

The tide not only rose and fell in height, (at Collieston it varied from 8 to 13 feet rising to the highest at the equinoxes) but also the current flowed from flowing North (tide coming in) to flowing South (tide going out).   The speed of the current could reach 4 knots at the equinoxes reducing to about half that at its lowest point between them.

We always rowed against the current when going out to sea to fish so we could come back with the flow of water assisting our tired limbs!   The ‘ebbing stone’ as the name suggests submerged and emerged with the tides.   It lay near the entrance to the harbour and was just one of a number of things you had to avoid.

The anchor was dropped to secure the boat in its position on the sea.  It was important that it fastened securely to the sea floor to stop the vessel from drifting.   PJ Owens hymn visualises our anchor in the Holy place with Christ.                 

We have an anchor that keeps the soul 
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll, 
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move, 
Grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love.           (Hebrews 6 verses 19/20).

Cannot See the Wood for the Trees

Cannot See the Wood for the Trees   Word on the Week     25th March 2023.

There has been a major emphasis on tree planting in Ireland.   It seems we have fallen behind the rest of Europe and the Government is keen that we catch up.   There is much marginal land which could do well growing trees to say nothing of the acres of used bog now growing scrub and brushwood.

The ideal is to have woodlands joined together to provide continuous cover for wildlife.   This will encourage creatures such as Pine Marten, a shy animal, to populate the woodland.   A consequence of it expanding its territory has been to put a check on the grey squirrel which was threatening to wipe out the native red squirrel.

But it is beneath the forest floor that most of the action happens.   There is a vast underground lattice work of fungal strands linking the roots of trees and plants.   It has been called the Wood Wide Web after its better known computer World Wide Web network which it resembles beneath the ground.

These fungi grow alongside the roots of the plant or tree in a mutually beneficial relationship.   In recognition of their healthy properties fungi are being produced in pellet form and planted in the soil along with new trees.

The destruction of this network arises when clear felling of trees takes place.   This partly explains why it is hard to plant the area and the tree growth is very slow.   A better method is to extract mature trees and replant immediately permitting the roots of the sapling to engage with the nutrients the fungi supply.

With Ash-dieback destroying many of our fine Ash trees the foresters task is to replace them with disease resistant local trees such as Oak, Hazel or Birch.   The network of mycelium in the soil will supply nutrients to the new roots which in turn become part of the Wood Wide Web.

We are accustomed to thinking of fungi as mushrooms and toadstools but these are only a tiny fraction of the immense underground growth of long sinuous threads of cells that supply trees and plants with nitrogen and phosphoros.

They date back to the Garden of Eden.  They were at the root of the tree of Good and Evil helping it to produce the forbidden fruit (Genesis 2 Verse 17).  And they were at the root of the tree that was hewn to make the cross which God used to expiate the sin of disobedience when Adam fell into sin which spread to the race.

God provided a way of escape for us from our sins.   The Holy Spirit provides the network to convey it to every believing heart which names Jesus as Lord (I Corinthians 10 verses 9 to 13).   

St Patrick’s Day

St Patrick’s Day                 Word on the Week                       18th March 2023.

One of the highlights of Dublin’s year is the commemoration of St Patrick’s Day on 17th March.  Like many today Patrick knew what it was to be a victim of war and to be cut off from his homeland.   He spent his enforced exile as a shepherd in the hills of Antrim where he had an encounter with the living God that gave his life direction and purpose.

After six years Patrick escaped from his captivity and returned to his family in Bannavem.   He answered the call to proclaim his faith and like St Paul before him became a priest of the Gospel (Romans 15 verses15 to 16).

The conversion of the Irish to Christ was headed by Palladius who appears to have had some success along the Eastern side of Ireland.   By the time Patrick returned there was an established mission field.   Patrick set about baptising converts into the Triune Name using the existing wells for that purpose.

While some of the Irish Kings welcomed Patrick others were less friendly.   Matters came to a head with the lighting of the fire on the hill of Tara by the High King to proclaim the Spring feast.   No fire was permitted to be lit while the ceremony proceeded.   Patrick lit his own fire on a neighbouring hill challenging the authority of the King and druids.

The High King was told that if the hostile fire was not put out now, it would never die out in Ireland!   The druids’ warning was well founded, the fire continued to burn and Christianity to spread throughout the country.

Yesterday’s Parade sported the banner ‘We are One’.   This referred to the oneness of humankind.   Certainly many nations were involved the largest bands coming from Canada USA, and Ireland.

Patrick would have enjoyed the music.  At least he left us with his song to the One he loved.

Christ be with me, Christ within me,                               I bind unto myself the Name,

Christ behind me, Christ before me,                               The strong Name of the Trinity;

Christ beside me, Christ to win me,                                 By invocation of the same.

Christ to comfort and restore me,                                   The Three in One and One in Three.

Christ beneath me, Christ above me,                              Of whom all nature hath creation;

Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,                                       Eternal Father, Spirit, Word:

Christ in hearts of all that love me,                                  Praise to the Lord of my salvation,

Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.                          Salvation is of Christ the Lord.  

To which St Paul might say –

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.  It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.   (Titus 2: verses 11 to 14).

Paradise Now?

Paradise Now?                  Word on the Week                     11th March 2023.

This week the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said he is to make Ireland “a world leader on gender equality in all its forms”.   This is a subject in which he has a personal interest and it provides him with some relief from the dreadful housing crisis in which the country languishes.

He proposes a referendum in the Autumn on Articles 41.1 & 2 of the Constitution to change its wording.   At present it recognises the Family as the fundamental unit of society.    It also states that a woman’s work in the home is a factor towards the common good.   It goes on to state that mothers shall not be required to work outside the home to earn income which may come with the neglect of their duties in the home.    Finally, he proposes to introduce ‘gender equality’.

In summary these are the three changes envisaged: – The definition of the family; The place of women in the home and introduction of ‘gender equality’.   The latter is contrary to God’s design which is gender complementary between male and female. 

The Article was written in a time (1937) when the traditional roles of husband, the breadwinner, wife, the homemaker, and the family were to be reared in a state of domestic harmony.  It acknowledges in no uncertain terms that families were the building blocks of society.

Fast forward to today.   We have the same parents and children but the circumstances are radically different.   There has been a rebellion against the traditional pattern of life.   ‘Man has become the measure of all things’ to quote Protagoras the Greek who lived 490 – 420 BC.  

The Bible introduces us to marriage in Genesis 1 verse 28.  The text goes on to anticipate a family i.e. ‘be fruitful and multiply’.   Both events pre-date the fall and are for all time.    There are numerous illustrations in the Bible using marriage as an illustration of the relationship between God and his people (Ezekiel 16 verse 8 and Ephesians 5 verse 32, Revelation 19 verse 7).

We live in an era where the sub-text of major discussions is to edit God’s word out of the conversation.   In our desire for ‘paradise now’ we want to introduce our design in place of the divine one.   It is somewhat like the man who turned up at the royal banquet in his own clothes.   It seems he had set aside what God had provided – similar to what we are doing today.   Jesus’ parable asked the question which is better answered in this life by committing your life to Jesus and then live to obey his word (Matthew 22 verses 1 to 14 especially 11/12).

Then it will not be paradise now we will be looking for but paradise future (John 14 verses 1 to 6).

War – First Anniversary

War – First Anniversary              Word on the Week          25th February 2023.

Nobody thought the Ukrainian War would last 12 long months. Now no one thinks it will be over soon!    It is much easier to start wars than to stop them!   Not that the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, shows any signs of wanting a ceasefire.

Indeed, his belligerent speeches before the ‘faithful’ this week attributed the outbreak of hostilities to the West.    This presented the fanciful picture of little Ukraine with supporting friends challenging Russia.    In a modern version of the David and Goliath contest, the roles are reversed, and David becomes the aggressor! (1 Samuel 16 verses 41 to 50). 

The history of wars demonstrate that they are waged in order to gain territory.   They tend to come out of extreme nationalism.   In the case of Ukraine, it is a territory that Putin clearly thinks should be Russian.  It was part of the lands restored to independence following the 1991 collapse of Soviet Union.

Those born since 1991 are known as the “Born Free Generation”.   They are eager for their nation to escape Russia’s shadow and join Europe and the West.    The East of Ukraine have Russian as their first language and were less inclined to go with their Eastern people and join NATO.

This reluctance has now disappeared. The war appears to have united the country under their able President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.   This was the very thing the invaders did not want to happen!   

But there are many wars being fought in the world right now.   Where do they come from?   Hear it from the Book of James Chapter 4 Verses 1 to 2 in the ‘Message’ paraphrase: –

‘Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves. You lust for what you don’t have and are willing to kill to get it. You want what isn’t yours and will risk violence to get your hands on it. You wouldn’t think of just asking God for it, would you? And why not? Because you know you’d be asking for what you have no right to.’ 

But there is something we do have access to whether we are Putin or Zelenskiy or you or me and that is the cleansing blood of Christ which applied to the sinner opens the door to forgiveness and a Christ centered way of life (1John 1 verses 7 to 9).  This is the miracle of God’s grace we call the Gospel comes through prayer in faith to Jesus Christ.