Millstones and Mercy Again

It is easier, Jesus said, for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God could be updated and how hard, we respond, for the Religious to show humility to the Laity. The rich? They have got it made. Their security is in their riches. The Religious? They have an “in” with God. Their security is in the establishment. As events unfolded of negligence in handling child abuse cases in the Diocese of Cloyne the hierarchical ranks closed this week with the oft repeated statement that lessons have been learned and the sense of denial was palpable. The sight of a lone Priest doing his walk of atonement from Cork to Dublin spoke volumes of the solitary walk of those who would like to speak out but are trapped within the system. I wrote the undernoted Blog in Nov.05 following the publication of the Report on Child Abuse in the Ferns Dioceses catalogued something of the horror many young people experienced at the hands of those they trusted. The broken lives of the victims and the unbearable guilt of the perpetrators when added to the anger and shame of their extended families constitute a colossal cry of pain. The veil of secrecy that has clouded these most clandestine of sins turns the perpetuators into addicts and the victims, although innocent, paralysed by guilt. Jesus is quoted in all three synoptic Gospels as recommending drowning with a millstone tied to the neck of these evil people. This seems to spellout a drastic remedy to rid society of such persons. Do millstones become tombstones? What else does the Bible teach? The Good News of the Gospel is that Christ died for sinners – not the righteous! St Paul couldn’t have put it any more plainly when he wrote that “God justifies the wicked” Romans ch. 4 verse 5. But how? When they repent is the answer. What does repentance look like for the child sexual abuser? The same as for any other sinner – a separation from the sin. This required boundaries to be put in place. Jesus said if your hand offends you cut it off. Clearly a change of behaviour and a change of career are required to remove the sinner from the temptation. It’s interesting that after the financial cheat Matthew was converted Jesus did not make him the treasurer! However forgiveness does not come through our repentance – 100 lifetimes wouldn’t be long enough. Its not penance, which is man’s attempt to balance the books, that the Bible has in view. It’s seeing God place your sins on Christ and He willingly bearing them. Christ’s blood then cleansing the repentant sinner and presenting him faultless before God – a forgiven person. Oh the inexpressible joy of the Good News! In the final analysis the sinners boast is not that he has renounced sin but that Christ has saved him from its consequences. There is a way back to God From the dark paths of sin, There is a door that is open And you may go in; At cavalry’s cross is where you begin When you come as a sinner to Jesus.

Godless in Gaza

There is nothing like a deadline to focus the mind and for Israel the 20th January could be it! The change in the US administration may well close the “window of opportunity” for their equivalent of a fatwa on Hamas. The rain of rockets had to be halted. You cannot live in a bomb shelter for ever. With an election looming, Israel had to do what Israel had to do. Hamas, with a little help from Iran, has been increasing her rocket range, now reaching Ashkelon with Jerusalem next stop. The last Palestinian election saw Hamas elected signalling that the majority agreed with its 1988 charter. This states, among other things, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”. With such sentiments it must be difficult to “love your neighbour”! Territorial disputes and Israel have a long history. They go back four millennium! In fact Israel has been surrounded by enemies for as long as she has occupied the land. Outstanding among these were the Philistines whose territory ironically was in Gaza. It seems that the old adage applies here, that history repeats itself – it has to because nobody listens! The Bible looks forward to a day when there will be a turning of the Jews to Jesus Christ. St Paul writing his letter to the Church at Rome in the 11th chapter verse 26 says, “Israel has experienced a partial hardening until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come from Zion; he will banish ungodliness…. The Deliverer will come from Zion (Jerusalem) not Washington and we need to pray that He will come soon.

New Year’s Resolutions

I have never heard of anyone making a resolution to be converted to Jesus Christ. In fact I have never heard of anyone resolving to feed the hungry or heal the sick. Usually what I hear is focussed on “low fat diet” or to stay “off the drink”. Our resolutions tend to have a self-centered aspect! The good intentions of 1st January usually end up in tatters by 1st February. Even on those occasions where we seriously intend to keep our resolution we find that “old habits die hard” and we are forced to join the others and make a joke of our efforts to mask the disappointment. When it comes to following Jesus many of us have been led down the religious route where church baptism provides an entry point to the church and subsequent renewal of these vows at a later date are said to establish one in membership of the church. Others use a similar formulae involving presumptive regeneration of the child in anticipation of a confession of faith coming from the adolescent when he or she comes to an age of understanding. The Bible steers clear of these procedures and simply says we must be born from above if we are to enter God’s kingdom. The Holy Spirit is at work in the world convicting people of sin and revealing the remedy in Christ. He works on our hearts and minds inclining our wills so that instead of living for self we are to live for Christ. We are given a different direction with a different Master to whom we are now accountable. This conversion is simply the name given to turning away from the old life and entering into the new with Jesus. So what part do I play, should I have this change in mind, for my New Year’s resolution? Jesus just says “ask” so we begin with prayer. He then says we are to trust in himself. The living God will confirm it to you and speak to you through his word. There will be a whole new way of looking at things that differs radically from the past. May I encourage you to go with Jesus Christ into 2009? He will equip you for a life that will glorify God both here and in the hereafter.

Jesus Christ is Lord

“They’re bringing religion into Christmas Cards” she said to her neighbour as they looked at a card with the nativity scene! The comment is probably apocryphal but the cards of winter scenes, Robins and berries to say nothing of Santa far outweigh the “religious” cards. So what does the Bible say about the “religious” bit? It has become popular to speak about Jesus birthday on the 25th December but there was never a time when Jesus did not exist. He was with the Father and the Holy Spirit in the councils of eternity when Creation and Redemption of humankind was planned. True he did have a birth day when he took flesh and entered our universe via the womb of a virgin and was made in all respects like us except he was without sin. Athanasius in the 4th century put it clearly when he said that “Jesus became what he was not without ever ceasing to be what he always was”. He was, is and always will be God. Isaiah put it prophetically 700 years before his birth, “You who bring good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, “Behold your God!” What was new was his enfleshment. He became man. Billy Graham the evangelist of last century illustrated this by quoting the time he clumsily trod on an ant-hill destroying the side of it. He would have liked to repair the damage but his efforts only added to its destruction. He realised that if he were to be of any use he had to become an ant in order to communicate and help in undoing the damage. Like all illustrations it has its limitations but it does reflect the love of God in giving Jesus that believers in him should not perish but have eternal life. Pilot was blind to the spiritual dimension and could only see a man, “So Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to them, “Behold the man!” Who is he in yonder stall At whose feet the shepherds fall? ‘Tis the Lord O wondrous story! ‘Tis the Lord the king of glory! At his feet we humbly fall – Crown Him, crown Him Lord of all.

Euthanasia – Killing with Kindness

Last week, Sky’s digital channel, Real Lives, showed the Oscar-winning documentary, “Right to Die” featuring Craig Ewert’s assisted suicide in a Swiss clinic. Craig had been suffering from motor neurone disease and died in the presence of his wife following a lethal doze of barbiturates. As film directors take their craft into increasingly sensitive areas of human existence we are asked to confront matters previous generations were only vaguely aware of. The Hippocratic Oath bound the medical profession to heal not harm. The crucial clause states, “I will use treatment to help the sick according to my judgement and ability, but I will never use it to injure or wrong them”. With advances in medical science comes the ability to sustain the life of the dying until the problem becomes an ethical rather than a medical one. The poet has written; Thou shalt not kill But need’st not strive, Officiously, to keep alive (“The Latest Decalogue” in Selected Poems, Penguin) There is a distinction between causing someone to die and allowing death to take its course. This is illustrated by Dr Martin Lloyd-Jones, the famous Christian preacher who, during his final illness refused further treatment, complaining to his doctor, “You are keeping me from the glory!” Where did Lloyd-Jones assurance come from? It came from a living relationship with Jesus Christ and a confirmation from the Bible. In 1970 he concluded one of his books with the following: “I say it with reverence, go even into the presence of God with “holy boldness” and in “full assurance of faith”; not boldness in yourself, but in your Mediator, in your great High priest, in the One whom God raised from the dead in order to let you know that your sins were dealt with at the Cross once and for ever, and that He looks upon you as His dear child.” I don’t know anything of Craig Ewert’s beliefs but for those who share Lloyd-Jones faith in saving love of Jesus Christ, the future is glorious. As St Paul put it; “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him”— but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. 1 Corinthians Chapter 2 verse 9.

Pork Chopped

News of food contamination in the developed world travels fast. Sophisticated food testing in a number of European countries detected dioxins in pork fat as far back as September. Towards the end of November the source was traced to an animal food recycling plant in Ireland. When confirmation of high levels of contamination was obtained from the UK laboratory last Saturday the Government acted swiftly to recall all Irish pork products produced from pigs slaughtered in the State. Consumers emptied their fridges, retailers emptied their shelves and the process was repeated in our export markets as far away as Japan. There have been reassurances from “experts” that there is unlikely to be any health issues occurring to those whose diet contained pork since September but they sound hollow in the face of total product recall. The fear factor where food is concerned becomes paramount. By contrast we had a report yesterday from a missionary from N-W Cameroon. There food testing does not feature in the vocabulary. Water is the major concern. Its quality is so poor that you would hesitate to use it to water your garden. Yet this is the normal drinking supply used even for patients in the local clinic! Are the people in N-W Cameroon disinterested in health issues? Are they less interested in remaining alive than those of us in the developed world? Hardly! What does the Bible have to say about this “fear factor”? There is one incident when the Prophet Elisha was feeding his students with some contaminated stew (and there he quickly corrected the problem 2 Kings Ch.4v’s38/41) but not before the cry went up “O man of God there is death in the pot”! The resurrection of Jesus from the dead does, for those who trust him, put a different complexion on longevity. This difference is seen most plainly in the Apostle Paul’s declaration that “Death is swallowed up in victory”. Jesus removed its sting. Jesus makes fearful lives new as in the case of the man who lived among the tombs in the region of Gadarenes. He was cured at the expense of the local pig stock; St. Mark Ch.5v’s 11/20. In that case the people preferred their pigs to Jesus and sent him away. Reader, do not be like them!

What is Truth?

The internal audit report into the corporate affairs of the state training agency FAS has produced evidence of profligate spending by a largely unsupervised public official during the years of plenty, which have now come to an end. The public official has a very different version of the events, showing that he was being given kudos for his actions which were being hailed as a great success. Two “truths”, which one is the true truth? Part of the problem lies in the fact that the affluence existing in the early years of the 3rd millennium no longer exists and what was “normal” then may well be looked at very differently today! Expenditure rules were treated as guidelines and budget over-runs did not attract the appropriate sanctions. Instead of amending the rules to legitimise the excesses they were simply waived and truth became a victim of prosperity. Coming to terms with the truth was a problem even in Bible times. When confronted by Christ, who is the truth of God in human form, Pilate lamely asked the question, “What is truth”. To act as if he was in ignorance when he knew the truth turned Pilate into a victim of his own cowardice and has been doing so ever since to many who try to escape the implications of the truth,. It is hard to live with the truth so we render it ineffective. It is no accident that today our post-modern age claims “the truth is different for everyone”. You have your truth and I have my truth. To remove meaning in this way from the word “truth” creates license and an illusion of freedom. Biblical truth is true at all times in all places for all people. Jesus said in his prayer recorded in St John’s Gospel chapter 17, “Your word (the Scriptures) is truth”. Our natural inclination to lie comes from the devil who is a liar and the father of lies; St John’s Gospel chapter 8 verse 44. His version of salvation is that we must work for it. The truth is that God has provided it freely in the work of Christ on the cross for everyone who turns to him believing his word to be true: Ephesians Chapter 2 verses 8 & 9. Whatever version of FAS’s affairs is believed there should be no disputing what God has written. It is vital that we understand it as Jesus said; “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away” St. Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 24 verse 35.

The Cruelest Cut of all

The case of asylum seeker Pamela Izevbekhai who lost her appeal against deportation to Nigeria in the High Court last week was given a reprieve when the European Court of Human Rights intervened, delaying the deportation for 3 weeks, while they review the case to see whither or not the grounds for deportation were warranted. The reason Pamela came to Ireland in 2004 with her two daughters Naomi and Jemima now aged 7 and 6 was to avoid female genital mutilation. Apparently her husband’s family observes this rite and insisted that she have the procedure carried out on her two daughters. Pamela had a daughter called Elizabeth who had this procedure carried out by a cousin when she was 18 months old in 1994. Unfortunately she died when the bleeding could not be stopped and Pamela, not wishing to risk the same fate for her two remaining daughters, with the aid of her husband, applied for asylum in Ireland. Presumably the Minister for Justice is afraid to permit one case which would set a precedent for a potential influx of similar cases from Nigeria and other countries where FGM is practiced. In fact the practice is outlawed in most countries where it is a cultural tradition but law enforcement is difficult. FGM is not mentioned in the Bible. Occasionally it is claimed that Jesus advocated mutilation when he recommended the removal of a man’s own eye if it caused him to lust after a woman. This has never been interpreted literally! Indeed the removal of both eyes would not solve that problem. What Jesus means is simply that we are to deal drastically with sin adopting measures that promote self control. The only examples of mutilation in Scripture are provided by the Prophets of Baal who when taunted by Elijah “they shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed” in the vain hope that their god would answer them. The other example is Jesus’ body which was mutilated on the cross for us. As the writer to the Hebrews puts it, Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people. He took our sins including the sins of cutting the flesh of children that we might follow him and not cultural tradition.

Dying for Drugs

Drugs have been in the news for all the wrong reasons this last week. We had almost 2 tonnes of cocaine removed from the yacht “Dancing with Waves” when the customs seized her in the Atlantic. Then came the death of Shane Geoghegan, a tragic case of mistaken identity, at the hand of a hit-man hired by a Limerick gang involved in a drug related feud. The week ended with a similar incident in Finglas which left a man in hospital fighting for his life. The street value of the yacht’s cargo of €500 million did not make the headlines but it does provide a clue to the size of the rewards accruing to the dealers. The craving of the addict provides an increasing market which has penetrated every strata of society. The admission by the Minister for Justice that we cannot police our coastline is stating the obvious whilst reliance on increased surveillance, phone tapping and information from disaffected gang members is like putting a band aid on a cut jugular vein. But there is always an underlying reason why people behave in a certain way. Drug-taking is not a career choice! The majority of the dealers were recruited through fear or addiction. However change is possible. This was portrayed last Thursday in the film “16 Blocks” were Bruce Willis plays the part of a corrupt, alcoholic NY cop who has the task of taking a witness, played by Mos Def, 16 blocks across Manhattan to the court where he is to give evidence which will incriminate a number of NY police who, needless to say, are out to get him! The central thought of the film is Mos’s unshakable belief that people can change. Given the right circumstances, in this case Mos’s disregard for his own life to protect Willis, who has also become a target because he first protected Mos from the corrupt cops. And Willis does change! It was a message of hope triumphing over impossible odds. The Bible also says we can be changed. In fact the only mention of drugs occurs when Jesus is on the cross and is offered some vinegar to dull his senses. The gesture was to lessen his physical agony but that was nothing compared to the intense pain of bearing the sins of the world in order that repentant sinners like you and me could turn from our sin and trust Jesus. Jesus makes permanent change possible for dealer and user and reader of this blog!

Budget Discussion Document

It has been interesting to come back to Ireland at the end of last week to find that the Budget has been subject to revision by the people. Formerly it was the task of the opposition to critique the proposals and the Government to stand by the decisions they made. In fact it cut short Garrett Fitzgerald’s government’s term in office when they stood by their decision to tax children’s shoes back in the 80ies. Whatever the rights or wrongs of this particular piece of legislation to yield to pressure groups is not the way to govern. In times of crisis the government needs to be seen to exercise its authority and bare the consequences of its decisions. In short, the budget is not a discussion document. The Bible is not a discussion document either! What God has said is true. We are all descended from one source. We are here for a purpose. We are going to one of two possible places. We learn that God is our maker. It also explains that our Maker is our redeemer. “This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the Lord, who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself.” And in the final analysis our destiny depends on our relationship to Him. “whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus invitation remains open to all who come to Jesus believing in his word. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. Unlike the budget you cannot change what God has said but you can depend on it.

Christian Church in the Dublin City Center