Category Archives: The Word on the Week

The Word on the Week

The Jab

The Jag                            Word on the Week                     16th January 2021.

This has been a week where the rising tide of Covid cases was met with the first large scale vaccinations which are to grant immunity to the recipient.   The hope of the scientists is that it will turn the tide and eventually see off the virus.

Like other viruses of its kind it has re-invented itself.   The original Covid–19 has spawned Covid B117 which appeared first in the UK and spread rapidly in the South East of England.   Another variant seems to have originated in South Africa where it has had a field day amongst the densely populated townships.   It too has found its way to these Islands.   Each new variant seems to be more contagious than the last.

The symptoms which marked out Covid from the Flu no longer can be relied upon.   In fact, it seems now anything goes.   Blocked sinuses, headache, constant clearing of the throat and a general tiredness are some of the latest signs.   But more sinister is the problem of the carrier who shows no symptoms at all and is only detected when reported as a contact of someone who has the disease.

Covid has concentrated the minds of immunologists everywhere.   As a result, we have 3 or 4 vaccines on the market.   Apparently the research work was done with maximum co-operation by the countries involved.   This is fitting for a global pandemic.   Russia and China appear to have chosen to go their own way.    Their vaccines may well prove to be superior to the vaccines made in the West.   At present there seems to be little evidence other than political point scoring and heavily shepherded visits where these have been permitted.

The best known Biblical plagues are the 10 God created in Egypt.   They were meant to show God’s power to his captive people and His authority over the Egyptians and their science, the magicians of Egypt.   The plagues fell on these areas of life which were supposed to be protected by Egyptian gods.    They form three groups of three with the 10th plague, the death of the firstborn being decisive in obtaining the Israelites freedom.

In parallel with the death of the firstborn in Egypt was the death of a lamb on behalf of every Israelite household.   The blood of the lamb was to be applied to the two doorposts and the lintel to ensure the safety of those sheltering within.   This along with certain other requirements inaugurated the first of the annual Passover feasts (Exodus chapter 12 verse 13).

The last Passover feast became the last supper where Jesus explained that his imminent death was to fulfil all that the former pointed to (1 Corinthians Chapter 5 verse 6b).    Jesus has completed what was necessary for our salvation.  We have the easier task by faith to follow Him.


Governance                                Word on the Week          9th January 2021.

It only happened once.   I was invited to allow my name to go forward to become a town counsellor!   It’s not that I had ever been conspicuous in local politics, quite the opposite, and so took refuge in St Paul’s advice to his young prodigy in his second letter to Timothy.   “No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer” (Chapter 2 verse 4).

My nominator was to have been the Rev Murdo McLeod who pastored a church which he had founded after his conversion to Christ.   He had been working in an English industrial town 300 miles from home and was on the upper deck of a bus which was taking him to his lodgings after the day’s work.   The bus stopped at traffic lights and an open air preacher’s voice penetrated the noise of the traffic to reach Murdo’s ears.

The preacher was urging people to turn the Lord and quoted the verse “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans Chapter 10 verse 13).   Murdo had learned the verse a long time ago at his mother’s knee but it came to him afresh and he was converted.   He heard and obeyed.

Because Christian conversion is a life-changing event which, among other things, enables the convert to see people in all their needs.   The desire to do something about these needs can be expressed in many ways.   The one which backfired this week in Washington arose when Christ controlling influence is usurped by something which could be called “The Cause”.

This Cause reads Scripture through the lens of its chief exponents.   Their interpretation of the Word, which seems so right, is not rigorously tested but accepted as truth.

The problem is deep seated.   Once having made ‘The Cause’ omnipotent it requires something akin to re-conversion to restore Christ’s pre-eminence.

I saw it in my parents love for Winston Churchill.   He had been the great wartime leader and because he had “won the war” was given the accolade of infallibility!    Alas disillusionment was slow to come. It is so hard to see your hero in a different light.

There is one hero who grows bigger until he becomes all encompassing.  And He is the one who must have the pre-eminence.   For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.   Jesus in Colossians Chapter 1 verses 16/20.

Happy New Lockdown

‘Happy New Lockdown’             Word on the Week          2nd January 2021.

Welcome to the Republic of Covid.   You don’t want to be here?   Sadly, you have no choice.   If you are a citizen of earth, then you are included.   This is a fact which we need to understand.    2021 has picked up where 2020 left off but at a faster pace.

This Republic of Covid which we now inhabit has its own rules.   We are on level 5 at present.   There is no level 6!    The government has produced a 60-page Resilience and Recovery 2020 – 2021 Plan for Living with Covid-19     (see Covid 19) on your computer.

As always during Lockdown it is necessary to pay attention to one’s health.  The Local Authorities have a programme of wellbeing activities and initiatives with the support of Sláintecare through the Healthy Ireland fund.

The problem is restrictions to movement and socialising imposed by the Lockdown rules operate against much physical activity and any mixing with friends.    With visitors to home or garden forbidden and social distancing of 2 meters required normal conversation is difficult even when you can hear what the other is saying through the face mask!

Fortunately, the Lockdown will have a time limit.   This is currently set at 4 weeks.  In addition, the arrival of a vaccine to tackle the virus gives hope for the future.   Some of us get the flu jag annually and this virus, when tamed, could become part of the immunisation system.

When the Israelites were in exile in Babylon their captors, knowing their ability to sing, asked them to sing the songs of Zion.   How can we sing in a strange land was their reply? (Psalm 137 verses 1 to 6).  The Republic of Covid is also a strange land where we find ourselves.   The Israelites consoled themselves with the thought of being restored to Jerusalem as had been promised at the end of 70 year’s exile.

The promises we have are much better.   If you are a follower of Jesus He has promised never to leave us (Deuteronomy Chapter 31 verse 6 & St Matthew Chapter 28 verse 20).   He is with us and will overcome our fears.

There was fear in Babylon also.  For these fears Isaiah was given the good news of a Redeemer – God Himself – “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” (Isaiah Chapter 41 verse 1).

And we have been promised a new song to sing “Worthy are you (Jesus) to take the scroll and open the seals for you were slain and by your blood you redeemed people for God” (Revelation Chapter 5 verse9).

Let us take the Republic of Covid for Christ! 

Behold the Image

Behold the Image            Word on the Week          19th December 2020.

God’s unquenchable love for man was guaranteed from the start.   That the love should have been reciprocal but was not has been highlighted in man’s fall.   The image of God so lovingly made self-destructs in Eden (Genesis Chapter 1 verse 27 & Chapter 3 verse 15).

The exile from Eden invoked the curse.   It fell on the ground.   Unremitting toil replaced self-propagation.   By the sweat of his brow Adam now toiled.   This was sweetened by God’s promise that one day Satan’s head would be crushed – a mortal blow while the Serpent-crusher would himself be wounded (Genesis Chapter 3 verses 17/19 &15).

God’s love for Abraham produced the wonderful act of obedience whereby Isaac was, figuratively speaking, was received back from the dead Hebrews Chapter 11 verses 18/19).   The promises to Abraham of becoming a great nation and a blessing to all people are being fulfilled today in the proclamation of the gospel (Genesis Chapter 12 verses 2/3).

Throughout the Old Testament there was a search for the one who would be the Serpent-crusher or ‘Messiah’ in Hebrew or ‘the Christ’ in Greek.   Surprisingly it was to Mary, a Galilean peasant, that the angel was sent bypassing the authorities and religious men of Israel.   The image of God was to appear, not in the Temple, but in a virgin’s womb.   God had found someone of a humble and contrite spirit (Isaiah 66 verse 2).

The angel told Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was to have a child in her old age.   It was to Elizabeth that Mary went to live for three months and when they met, the Holy Spirit who had come upon Mary, filled Elizabeth also.   It was then that she understood that Mary was the “mother of my Lord”.  

Mary was inspired to put her feelings into a song to God her saviour. (St Luke Chapter 1 verses 39 to 56).    The image in the womb soon became the image in the manger and the visit of shepherds brought the confirming message of the angels “Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (St Luke Chapter 2 verse 11).

“Who is He in yonder stall at whose feet the shepherds fall?” is the question! Hebrews provides the answer –  Chapter 1 verse 3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature,   and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.  After making            purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. 

He is the incomparable Christ.

My Way

My Way                           Word on the Week                     12th December 2020

The week of Brexit negotiations which have continued in stalemate could be summed up by the title of the song the presenter signed off with on breakfast radio today!   In fact, both the EU and the UK negotiators could have sung it. The duet is the only thing they have in common.  Each side wanted to have their way. 

Of course they would not have rivalled Frank Sinatra.   Ol’ Blue Eyes made it his own.   It exceeds the ever popular “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” which will no doubt be sung at regular intervals over the next couple of weeks.    With global warming there is little chance of the dream being realised!

There also seems to be little chance of Boris Johnson’s “Let’s get Brexit Done” coming to fruition as the three sticking points, which have been present all through the 4.5 years of bargaining, remain unreconciled.    Trust is in short supply.   Sovereignty, a word which has seldom been used, now looms large. It helps to disguise the smallness and dependence of the UK on its need to trade with the EC post Brexit.

“And now the end is near, I face the final curtain” the opening line of “My Way” could perhaps be applied to the negotiators.   In the song the singer reviews his life.   In his view he has done some good things and some not so good but what makes it right for him is that he did it ‘my way’.   It is of course the atheist’s anthem.    Man has become the measure of all things.

The Bible offers a different measure.   The Apostle Paul follows Christ with single mindedness (Philippians Chapter 3 verses 7 to 14).   He bids us do likewise.    He describes those others as enemies of the cross of Christ.  Their mind is on earthly things.   There is not the love of neighbour that reciprocates love in others and makes agreement possible.  

When the sovereignty of man clashes with an equal and opposite sovereignty it can only end in deadlock.  On the other hand, if the sovereignty of God is embraced the common good overcomes greed and trust is the hand that signs the agreement.    My way becomes Thy way (St John chapter 14 verse 6).

There is an old song which speaks of a better way: –

Have thine own way Lord, Have thine own way.                                           Thou art the potter I am the clay.                                                                   Mould me and make me after thy will,                                                          While I am waiting yielded and still.

So I went down to the potter’s house, …Then the word of the Lord came to me. He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand.    (Jeremiah Chapter 18 verses 3 to 6.)

End Game

End Game                        Word on the Week                     6th December 2020.

Chess problems have their own attraction especially when there are no other chess players around.    Those in the daily paper always hinge on an unexpected move which inexorably leads to victory.    There is no way for your opponent to escape defeat.    The result is inevitable!    And it all comes down to that inspired move.

I don’t know if Boris Johnson is a chess player but he could do with a good move if he is to come away from his phone call with Ursula von der Leyen unscathed!    The pieces on the board have been locked for some time with neither the black nor white getting the upper hand.    “Taking back control” comes down to his next move.

But Boris is notoriously indecisive.    He may try to convince Ursula that she must make the next move!  It’s a choice neither of them would want to make.   Ursula’s ‘queen’ does not retire until the end of the month whereas Boris’s ‘Queen’ prefers the distant supportive role.   It may come down to the fishermen who are the pawns in the game!

The man who set up the chessboard, Nigel Farage, gleefully looks on.   His latest tweet to his erstwhile partner in the game is scarcely the encouragement that Boris so badly needs.  He tweeted “This really is Boris Johnston’s moment of truth”.    Instead of being the White Knight, Nigel, it seems, is only a Rook that twitters!

There was a moment of decision for the Disciples of Jesus.   They too had reached the end game with their Leader crucified.     He had told them this would happen but they were more interested in making their own moves than to pay much attention!    Now it had happened.   Checkmate seemed inevitable.    They seemed left behind to pick up the pieces!    Then it happened!

He appeared!   The master stroke occurred.   He had accomplished salvation.   Sinners now had a substitute who had taken their place.   Dr Luke said the only ‘moment of truth’ that matters had happened. The Holy Spirit had him write: – Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.  You are witnesses of these things. I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” (St Luke Chapter 24 verses 45 to 49).

The Disciples were transformed by the victory and empowered by the Holy Spirit.   Jesus is still making disciples down through the centuries to this day.

Masks – The New Norm

Masks – the New Norm       Word on the Week                 28th November 2020.

To mask one’s feelings usually meant to hide what one really felt.   Now with mask wearing compulsory for the foreseeable future we have an added barrier to expressing our feelings.   Add in social distancing, working in pods, absence of sports and the nagging fear that you might have the virus, it’s no wonder mental health becomes an issue.

We have been created as relational beings imaging our triune God in that respect (Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 26).   The curtailment of meeting and mixing with others sucks the enjoyment out of life.   We are in a period of semi-isolation with only our own thoughts and they are not much of a comfort tending as they do toward the dark side of life.

When the Psalmist was depressed his cry for help was answered immediately – but that did not prevent the depression from recurring (Psalm 42 verses 5, 11 & 43 verse 5).    Winston Churchill got used to this recurring feature in his life and referred to it as his black dog!   

One remedy is to sing.   This song was sung last Sunday at our on-line service at   It was also the one we chose for our farewell from Inverness in 1977.   It was written by Bill and Gloria Gaither and has stood the test of time.  

God sent His son, they called Him Jesus, He came to love, heal and forgive He lived and died to buy my pardon, An empty grave is there to prove my saviour lives.

How sweet to hold a newborn baby, and feel the pride and joy He gives       But greater still the calm assurance, this child can face uncertain days, because He lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone, Because I know He holds the future And life is worth the living, just because He lives.

And then one day, I’ll cross the river, I’ll fight life’s final war with pain           And then, as death gives way to victory, I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know He reigns.

The first verse gives the grounds for faith in Jesus.   The three other verses take you from the cradle to the grave – and beyond!    For the one who calls out to Jesus from a state of helplessness and despair there is the invitation first given to the people in the Laodicea church to have a living relationship with Jesus (Revelation Chapter 3 Verse 20).

Jon and Sandra Blackwell

Jon and Sandra Blackwell         Word on the Week         21st November 2020.

This Sunday will ‘officially’ mark the end of Jon and Sandra’s ministries at Grace.   It is fittingly being marked by a special service.  A generation in Biblical terms is 40 years and Jon and Sandra, like king David served his day and generation well in many ministries both in and out from Grace Church (Acts Chapter 13 verse 36).

If Jon was the leader Sandra was always the power behind the throne.   Not only did she support Jon in Ireland but travelled with him in his missionary work abroad.   Her God-given ability to adapt to changing tasks was amazing.

At home she learned sign language in order to communicate with the deaf.  She was a Foster Mother to over 40 children ending with a Nigerian family whom we got to know and love at Grace.   But it was in the exemplary care of her aging Mother that Sandra left us a wonderful example to follow.

When Jon realised that, since he had branched out on his own, his work had largely taken over his life leaving little time for family and Christian witness.     A radical solution was required!   It came in the form of re-locating Sandra and their five children to Yaoundé, Cameroon, where they re-orientated and Jon drove the school bus for the Wycliffe kids!

Training in Bible translation work had taken place in the UK but no amount of preparation could have equipped them for the field.   After much prayer the Lord led them to N-W Cameroon where they settled in Bamunka. 

In a previous existence Jon had advised on planning issues in Latvia and overseen low cost housing in Papua New Guinea – acquiring skills which may have been some value in kitting out housing in Cameroon!   A partially completed house was rented quite near Pastor Edward’s Church and duly equipped with solar power and some rudimentary plumbing with the help of the older children.  With the family safely boarded in school accommodation in Yaoundé the work of writing down, for the first time, the local language started.

What has enabled the work of translation of the New Testament and also the literacy work of teaching the language has been the strong relationships Jon and Sandra have built with the local church leaders.    This has contributed to the success of Water for Cameroon, an ancillary work which is improving people’s health by providing clean water.

These are now indigenous ministries which are continuing in the midst of serious civil disturbance and with virtually daily internet input from Dublin.   This has permitted Jon to be used in, among other things, securing our new premises.

The church has been privileged to pray and support these ministries which, by God’s grace will continue when we all have left this scene of time.               

Soli Deo Gloria. 

Clootie Wells

Clootie Wells                   Word on the Week                    14th November 2020.

The old Celtic practice of tying a piece of cloth to a tree appears to be alive and well according to a recent press article.   Indeed, accompanying the 6.00 pm angelus, we often see a soulful looking woman tying a votive cloth to a tree in an act of worship.

The tree used was mainly hawthorn and was located beside a ‘holy’ well.   The spirits were said to inhabit such places and if the cloth was dipped in the well then applied to an injury healing was reckoned to have a better chance of taking place.   The cloth was then tied to a branch of the tree and left to rot.

Various other emblems of a religious nature were also tied to the tree perhaps in memory of the dead.   It had the effect of disfiguring nature with emblems of personal grief.   These places are usually to be found wherever there are the remains of the ‘Celtic church’ and probably predate it.

The well at Munlochy on the Black Isle drew a crowd on the festival of Beltane which was held on the Sunday nearest the 1st May.   A group of us travelled the few miles from the Baptist Church in Inverness and gathered for an act of worship close to the well.   What was rather bizarre was the pedal organ which we carried onto the site to assist with the singing!

We had song sheets prepared for the occasion and included as many onlookers as we could in the service.  We saw it in simple terms of engaging with the enemy and overcoming by means of the Word preached and prayers offered (Revelation Chapter 12 verse 11).

Needless to say we did not take up a collection!   The bottom of the well was covered with coins but as far as I recall they were of low value!   I expect the ‘spirit’ of the well removed them at the end of the summer.  

Scripture does not give any credence to those who worship the creation and ignore the Creator.   There is one God whom we are to worship (Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 3).   And when Jesus was tempted by satan he replied in a similar vein (St Matthew Chapter 4 verse 10).

Scripture does however instruct us in how to deal with spirits to see whether they are of God.   If the spirit acknowledges Christ’s two natures namely that he is wholly man and that he is also wholly God, then the spirit is of God (1 John Chapter 4 verses 2 /3).    If that does not happen then the Apostle John states unequivocally that it comes from the antichrist.

Instead of dabbling in Clootie Wells St James states the contrast: – “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (Chapter 1 verse 27).


Twitter                              Word on the Week                     7th November 2020.

Now that the raucous sound of the twits emanating from the White House in Washington has become more muted we have been able to better appreciate our Autumn twitters.   They have their more vocal moments during feeding, usually when enjoying an extended breakfast.

So what’s on the menu?    The main item has been the bumper crop of Hawthorn berries.   These are bright red and show up well after the strong winds have removed most of the leaves from the trees.   

Unlike humans who go for the low hanging fruit first (because it’s easy to harvest) they start at the top of the trees and work their way down.   There was one of the three hawthorn trees, the smallest one, that by common consent has been kept till last.   Even today it has not lost its red gloss.

The noisiest bird to turn up for breakfast is the Redwing.   They make a sound like a rod and line fisherman’s reel when it is switched on to ratchet.   It is still quite a bit softer than the magpie staccato call which rings out at intervals proclaiming its successful nesting in our Scots Pine earlier this year.

Mistle Thrush and Fieldfare add their not too dissimilar sounds to those of the common or garden Blackbirds and Starlings.   The latter tend to show up in numbers and soon will be cavorting in the evening sky with their famous murmuration.

The garden birds are beginning to appear for their breakfast of oats.   One bird table is going to be placed between the cedar and the maple tree.   The birds like to roost in these and will feel more secure.   The other feeder will be nearer the kitchen window giving us endless pleasure through the winter.

Our regulars are the Blue Tit and Great Tit.   No Coal Tit yet but we have seen a Long-tailed Tit at the berries.   There are the usual House Sparrow and Hedge Sparrow or Dunnock, Wren and Robin Redbreast.

There is a legend regarding the latter.   It is said that the Robin recognised Christ as his creator (St John Chapter 1 verse 3).   On the cross the Robin tried to remove the crown of thorns and in the process was pierced and its breast stained with blood.    

The stain became part of the bird’s characteristics and acts as a reminder of Christ’s bearing the sin of the world in procuring our salvation.  The Apostle John writes in 1 John Chapter 2 verse 2 “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world”.   May the Robin be a reminder not only of the cost of our redemption but its availability for those who turn and trust Jesus.