For the Birds and US

For the Birds and Us                        Word on the Week              13th June 2020.

Through the struggles and strains of lockdown one of the things we have become more aware of has been the ‘Dawn Chorus’.    The birdsong which contributes to this does not need an alarm clock – the brightening sky to the North-East wakens them up and they find their voices.

The soothing effect, even at 4.30 am, is most relaxing.   The recent rain, after the almost 3 month’s drought, has increased the volume of birdsong throughout the day.   Successful nesting (predators have been absent!) and even the magpie family which reared 3 chicks in the Scots Pine at our front door behaved themselves!  

A family of Blue Tits found a safe place to feed their fledglings in an old cage.   They, being small, could reach the bird-food whereas their rivals had to rely on the bird feeders in more exposed places.    While the parent birds busy themselves collecting food, as soon as their wings will carry them, the young birds put in an appearance right outside the kitchen window.    They have no fear at this stage.  One chick which rested on the windowsill was being examined by Tess our Pugaleer whose nose was 1 inch from it.    Needless to say I put a stop to Tess’s investigation!

Where access to such treats is not possible the TV has produced some excellent nature programmes which lift the spirits    The sheer beauty of the birds in their mating plumage, the intricate web of materials that comprise their nest and the rich colour to their eggs remind us of God’s hand in all creation.

This year during lockdown we have had time to reflect on ‘natural selection’.  There may be a scientific explanation but I would be curious as to where the corona virus evolved from in such a short time.    There have been other plagues in times past.    They seem to arise when a virus crosses from the animal world to mankind.    Perhaps it should be called ‘unnatural selection’!

Habakkuk had no difficulty in attributing the plagues of Egypt to the Lord’s hand when surveying the history of Israel in his day (Chapter 3 verse 5 and Exodus Chapters 7 to 14).    When time has filtered out what is and what isn’t important about current events it will become more apparent what God is saying to us in these days (Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 verse 11).

Now is the time to encourage each other with the words of Hebrews Chapter 10 where the writer proclaims the completeness of Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross and his entering into a covenant relationship with his believing people.    He then tells them (and us) to maintain fellowship with each other (even if it is on Zoom) as you see the Day approaching (verses 8 to 25).