God Rested Word on the Week 8th February 2025.
In a week where we see the beginnings of a new world order it is appropriate to examine the events around the original creation to see what coping mechanisms the Lord provided for his people. He rested!
This places a rest day – one day in seven – as a foundation block on which His people are to build their lives.
The Genesis creation account repeats the phrase, ‘there was evening and there was morning’, for each of the first six days but when it comes to the seventh day there is no evening. Having attended to the physical side of creation God devotes the seventh day to the spiritual side making it a holy day and it is ongoing.
If the creation of mankind is the pinnacle of creation, then ‘rest’ is creation’s goal. God’s desire for his human beings is that we too might share in the joy of rest after a week of toil. This is the day which God uses to obtain a people for Himself. It involves bringing humankind into a closer relationship with Himself and giving them ever closer relationships with one another.
It provides people time to reflect on how God has protected them and supplied their needs. They are also given the time to exercise their authority over His creation, tending it and promoting the health of its flora and fauna (2 Peter 2 verses 9 to 12 & Genesis 1 verses 28 to 30).
The rest day is enshrined in the 4th Commandment. It was something that distinguished God’s people from the surrounding nations. Israel had no visible shrine but were known as the people of ‘the seventh day rest’.
God’s design for life includes the rhythm of the recurring rest day. It granted them the time to reflect on all it might mean to live as God’s people under God’s rule and blessing.
Sadly, we are prone to waste it. Instead of using the gift of 52 days per annum we pack in all the holiday trips we can afford and wear ourselves out with worries and anxieties in defiance of doing what we know is right.
Jesus’ invitation to call people to Himself, if taken, ushers in the rest of redemption. Listen to what He says; “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11 verses 28 to 29).
It is hard to be obedient...but it is infinitely harder to tough it out doing your own thing. Will you bend the knee in obedience?