Good News

What unites us – the Good News 

Do you ever have the sense that things in the world around and in your life, too, aren’t the way their supposed to be?

The Bible’s big story explains why this is so. Here’s a summary of this story.

In the beginning, God created the world as an ideal home for human beings, who he made in his likeness to live in relationship with him. Inexplicably, our first parents rebelled against God and so our home ceased to be ideal and our relationship with him was broken.


Nevertheless, in the future, the world will one day be an ideal home for human beings again, when relationships with God will be fully restored.


This future is assured because of what God the Father has already done by sending his Son into the world. Jesus, who was always God, became a human being, too, by being born into this world.

  • While he was here, he lived in unbroken relationship with his Father. And yet, human beings rejected him and put him to death on the cross.
  • While on the cross, he suffered separation from his Father, because he bore in himself the rebellion of human beings and its consequences.

Nevertheless, God raised Jesus from the dead, thereby celebrating the removal of rebelliousness that his death had won. The Father and the Son united in sending the Holy Spirit to ensure that human beings can experience the benefits of this removal: a restored relationship with God and the prospect of this world as an ideal home again in the future, when Jesus returns.

How to respond? 

So if you sense that things in your life are not the way they are supposed to be and that underlying these things is a broken relationship with God, then do not try and restore this relationship yourself. Instead, place your faith in Jesus, the one who has already done everything that is needed to restore this relationship.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Good News, then watch this presentation to see the Good News that God gives us and send us a message using the form below.

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    Christian Church in Dublin City Center