Mass at Listowel Word on the Week 5th November 2022.
Fr Sheehy, a retired priest, was standing in for the regular priest at St Mary’s church in Listowel when he chose to spell out the likely end of certain behaviours. He claimed that sexual sins were rampant.
In his homily he listed sex between two men and two women as a sin and transgenderism was described as “lunatic”. The priest also referred to the “promotion of abortion” as sinful. However, repentance would save people from Satan and his wiles.
Later when interviewed by RTE he differentiated between what was moral and what was legal as he commented on our non-Christian legislation.
In the context of his story about condom distribution by the HSE to teenagers in Tralee on nights out, Fr Sheehy referred to his experience in America in the 1970s and the distribution of condoms there. This had “tripled promiscuity”, he claimed.
Sexual health messaging relying on condoms and abortion was “a horrible message” and it took away from any sense of responsibility, he said.
What are we to make of all this? It’s like a mirror has been held up and we see ourselves as we are. Of course we don’t like it! The truth seldom flatters!
But it is not what we think but what God thinks that matters Psalm 115 verse 1). We are creatures made in his image (now fallen) who can be born again spiritually in Christ (1 Peter Chapter 1 verses 3 to 7). This means we do not have to live as others but by the sweet influence of the Holy Spirit within show how we can live within the boundaries set by a loving heavenly Father (1 John Chapter 1 verse 7).
Sexual sins are in a class by themselves. All other sins we commit are outside the body but sexual sins are committed against our own body (1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 18). They become a dead weight in us. They can only be removed by faith in the work of God’s Son on Calvary’s cross. Not in the Mass which never ends but in the completed work of Jesus Christ (Hebrews Chapter 9 verses 25 to 28).
We are indebted to Fr Sheehy for outlining some of the main sexual sins. He also hinted at the remedy when he mentioned that repentance would save people from Satan and his wiles and ways. After Jesus overcame Satan in the wilderness he proclaimed the good news of the gospel – repent (turn around – change course 180 degrees) and believe (St Mark Chapter 1 verses 12 to 15).
The remedy – look to Jesus!