Our Partners


Grace Bible Fellowship celebrates twenty-five years partnership with Jobcare.  We are one of the supporting churches behind this Christian charity, which transforms parts of our church premises Monday to Friday for use as a resource and training centre. Paul Mooney, founder and Chief Executive explains:

“Jobcare believes that Working Matters. We believe that everyone as the right to a form of employment that meets their individual needs, abilities and circumstances. Our purpose is to help unemployed people get over any obstacles between themselves and appropriate work. We work with unemployed job seekers to equip them with the skills, knowledge and confidence to secure and sustain work through providing training courses, one-to-one help, resource services and transitional work programmes. We strive to create a warm welcome and continue to journey with each person until they find work.”


This has been an amazing journey. Jobcare looks at so many angles and really works to boost confidence and get motivated in looking for work. Fresh thinking with lots of support and encouragement. The biggest plus was the general atmosphere and attitude of the team. I felt welcomed and validated.


UPDATE – June 2020 The team in Jobcare have been busier than ever remotely keeping our work programme staff engaged and transferring our training programmes online. We’re delighted that all of our staff have stayed well to-date. From the end of August we will, in stages, have some full-time staff and then some key work programme staff return to the building. With physical distancing here for the foreseeable, we’ll continue to provide our training programmes online. We will also continue to have some full-time staff and work programme staff work from home. Things will be very different as we have many new procedures to navigate, but we trust this will continue to protect everyone involved as we continue to help and support unemployed people in the months to come.

Church in Chains 

We are happy to host the monthly meeting of Church in Chains, which is an independent Irish charity which encourages prayer and action in support of persecuted Christians worldwide. It publishes a quarterly magazine and weekly email news. It advocates for justice for individual victims of persecution and entire Christian communities. It engages with Ambassadors, TDs and government officials to seek support for victims and to bring governments of persecuted countries to account. It also channels aid to Christian victims of persecution such as refugees and prisoners. Finally, it provides Bibles and Christian literature to Christians in countries where it is restricted.

Church in Chains has a special focus on China, Egypt, Eritea, India, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey and Uzbekistan.

Christian Church in the Dublin City Center