Poacher turned Gamekeeper

We are in the last week for nominations for the highest Office in the land – that of President. The process was enlivened by Martin McGuinness throwing his hat (or should it be beret) into the ring.  The former commander in the IRA has asked to be considered for the Office on the basis of his record as a peacemaker. The problem for some is that his record reveals that for a large part of his life he sought peace through the armed struggle which convulsed the Northern part of the Country for around 30 years. On the other hand there is no doubt that his more recent experiences as Deputy First Minister of the Stormont Parliament have shown him to be an able politician. During his leadership of the Sinn Fein party in the North there has been much reduced para-military activity.  He has come a long way since he was jailed in 1974 in the Republic when he was caught with a car containing 250 lb (113 kg) of explosives and nearly 5,000 rounds of ammunition. He refused to recognise the court but the Court recognised him and he went to prison. What is certain is a lively campaign over the next 6 weeks as the seven likely contenders make their representations for the job. We may well have a sequel to the McGuinness Biography “From Guns to Government”. Perhaps “From Politician to President” if his Presidential campaigning is as successful as his political career has been to date. What has the Bible to comment on such matters? One of the most spectacular changes of occupation took place when Saul of Tarsus was confronted by the living Jesus while he was engaged in destroying this new sect called Christians. Resulting from that encounter his whole life was transformed and the persecutor became known as, “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” Galatians Chapter 1 verse 23. Saul had seen how well Stephen died and that had opened his mind to the possibility that he just could be wrong. How do you move a person from that possibility to 100% acceptance of it as fact? It took the voice of God to turn Saul of Tarsus around. His conversion brought peace to the Christians and transformed society. It is hard to see a parallel with our situation in Ireland but then it was hard for these Galatian Christians to accept St Paul in their day. But it first needs God to work a miracle!