Rugby and Religion

“Where does it say in the Bible that the pubs should be closed on Good Friday” was the question troubling a heckler at an Open Air meeting? The question came around again this week when those who enjoy pub-time after full-time realised that the Magners League rugby match was scheduled to take place on Good Friday in Limerick. The vintners did their sums and reckoned that the loss to the community would amount to a cool €5,000,000. Presumably they were factoring in a home win over Leinster! A local priest kicked for touch with the suggestion of a public debate. He claimed to know of a couple of players who said their prayers before matches but it is hard to see how he could arrive at a majority without the accusation of tampering with the results! An appeal was made to keep sacred the two most important days in the church calendar – Christmas and Good Friday. Regarding the latter he said, “There was something emotive about it and it had a sombreness to it that allows you to tap into and reflect on personal suffering, and psychiatrists would argue that it’s important to do that.”  What has the Bible to say on the matter? When Jesus remarked that Abraham “rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day” (St John Ch.8 V56) it wasn’t so much Good Friday that was in view but the fulfilment of the promise that Messiah would bring blessing to all nations. For Jesus Good Friday was the day when he finished the work of atonement. The day when he became a sin-offering to his Father for the sins of his people. The Lamb of God substituted for the sinner who looks to Him in faith and finds pardon, forgiveness and a new life in the household of the living God. As to the day itself the Bible is not dogmatic. St Paul writing to the church at Rome says, “ One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind”. (Romans Ch.14V5). As to what happened on that day however St Paul has absolutely no doubt of its significance, “I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians Ch.15V3) and that truth should be remembered 365 days of the year.